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3 Easy Ways to Prevent the Risk of Fuel Theft

3 Easy Ways to Prevent the Risk of Fuel Theft

In a transportation company, fuel is a significant asset that’s anything but cheap. You track fuel levels to ensure you’re not paying more than necessary. But what happens when you burn through gas quicker than expected? This could indicate employee theft. Luckily, there are three easy ways to prevent the risk of fuel theft so that your business continues thriving.

1) Update Technology

Tracking fuel with a pen and paper is inaccurate, so it won’t give you the best insight into what’s left in the tank. Similarly, a pen and paper don’t tell you who’s really filling up or when. Thanks to modern advancements, though, you can handle fuel management with technology. Cloud-based software paired with the appropriate hardware gives you twenty-four seven access to your fuel tank.


You could install cameras around the facility to keep an eye on things. Not only will this protect fuel and the tanks, but it will also guard other equipment. Although you can’t always be on the site, you can remain in the loop on what’s going on.

2) Educate Your Drivers

All workers need to understand company protocols. So tell them the consequences of theft. But don’t stop there. Workers also need to know how a single action can impact the entire company.

By stealing fuel, the company needs to spend more money. In turn, this can impact jobs in the long run. When they know this, your employees are less likely to steal and more likely to report suspicious behaviors.

3) Keep Track of Transactions

Check all transactions regularly to watch for something out of the ordinary, then compare this to odometer readings. Doing this will allow you to see if employee habits align with fueling times. If you notice one driver fills up more often than most—or at strange times—ask them about it.

How Should You Confront Employees?

Whether you’ve collected the data or received a tip from another worker, you’ll have to meet with dishonest employees. When you talk to such an individual, disclose your findings and listen to their reasoning. The issue may not always be the employee’s fault. For example, when a truck needs maintenance, it sometimes burns through fuel faster.

If your employee is stealing, deal with the situation in the way you see fit. Knowing the ways to prevent the risk of fuel theft ensures you can address the problem right away and prevent it from getting out of control.

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